In my eternally frustrating quest to make physical fitness a part of my daily habits, I decided to hire a personal trainer one day. The woman who the gym assigned to me was young, energetic, healthy, and also happened to be a former student of mine. I was older, tired, out of shape, and well… Continue reading Some Spiritual Strength Training
A Piggyback Ride from God
From my earliest days, I loved to have piggyback rides with my dad. Who doesn’t? That feeling of being able to see the world from a much higher viewpoint, while still being held safe and secure from falling was unlike anything else. Piggyback rides were even better when the “horsey” would gallop around the room. … Continue reading A Piggyback Ride from God
Reworked by the Master Quilter
I love to find forgotten treasures. Those unexpected moments when I rediscover important things that I hadn’t seen in years are the best. I got to have that happen in a big way a while ago. As I was cleaning out a closet after my mom passed away, I came across three quilt tops. … Continue reading Reworked by the Master Quilter
Building Our Dwelling in God
I have had a dream since I was young of building my own home. I have read through house plan magazines like some people read “People” or “Newsweek”. Even now, on my phone’s internet browser, I have six or seven house plans saved. It is a dream that probably won’t ever become a reality, but… Continue reading Building Our Dwelling in God
Was Job Really Patient or Was He Just Real?
I don’t know about you, but the book of Job is one of the hardest books in the Bible for me to read and understand. The first part is pretty clear though – Job went through a lot! He lost his livestock, his house, and his children in a short time period. He developed terrible,… Continue reading Was Job Really Patient or Was He Just Real?
What if Weakness is Our Spiritual Gift?
A few days ago, I was having one of those great talks with my good friend. You know the kind – the ones where you know each other – warts, beauty marks and all – and you love each other for it. And I do love this person. She is equal parts exceptional faith and… Continue reading What if Weakness is Our Spiritual Gift?
When Others Make You Doubt God’s Love
How many of you have ever been told to take John 3:16 and insert your name into it? Something like this: For God so loved you, Janis, that He sent His only begotten Son that when you believe in Him, Janis, you shall not perish but have everlasting life. I am completely, whole-heartedly in agreement… Continue reading When Others Make You Doubt God’s Love
David’s Solution to the Problem of Shame
Eventually, in every group of friends, it happens. The discussion turns to our most embarrassing moments. It is a way to connect – to learn more about each other and to share in each other’s human condition. We swap stories of times that circumstances conspired to leave us red-faced and humiliated. The one I most… Continue reading David’s Solution to the Problem of Shame
No Darkness Is Too Complete for God
As I was growing up, my family loved a good road trip. We would pack our camper, hit the highway, and visit every tourist destination we could fit in. One such trip included a stop at Mammoth Caves National Park. During the cave tour, when you are deep inside the earth, there is a moment… Continue reading No Darkness Is Too Complete for God
A Million Little Choices
Recently the book of Romans has been popping up a lot in my life. I have learned when that happens, I need to pay attention – usually God is trying to tell me something. I am also more diligent about paying attention since I have learned sometimes He has to prompt me many times before… Continue reading A Million Little Choices